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Fall is on its way

Fall is on its way

Another high water season at the lake became a very dry one after all the spring rains led into a drought! Still have several new and used lifts, docks and accessories in stock.

Dont Let This Happen to You!

Dont Let This Happen to You!

Let the professionals at Lakeside handle your dock and lift installation and removal. This was a cabin we had never been to before, they called in three weeks after we took our last ones out. 2 inches of ice was not fun to deal with.


Lakeside Services

At Lakeside we specialize in the installation and service of New and Used Docks and Lifts. It does not stop there.

We also remove and install canopies as well as boats, pontoons and jet skis. We also have storage for boat lifts, docks, boats, pontoons, and jet skis.